Monday, April 27, 2009

So yeah. I Should be...

Blogging about my weight loss on my weight loss journal, but the lack of actual readers will probably prevent that. However, on the weight loss front, I did manage somehow to lose a size without losing any weight /baffle/. I did sign up for a 4 month membership at my gym (FREE GUESTS, if you wanna come!). It starts May 1st, which of course I won't be back until the 3rd. I have a free appointment with the Personal Trainer at 1030am on the 4th. Seriously, Aprill needs to get on track.

I'm so sick of shopping and crying because those cute pants, or that cute shirt don't fit. Fashion eludes me. I'm down to black shirts and baggy pants. Ah, well it will all work out in good time. I did so many errands today, I did forget one, but my car will yell at me when it's more thirsty. I also spent 200 before 5pm, which is really really hard for me. The 9 dollars I spent on makeup seems frivolous, which is silly. I'm allowed to spend money on myself damn it. See, internal struggle over minor things for myself even. I did however find pants for the trip and two shirts(on clearance), which I'm not mad at myself over, because it'd be nice to have a pair of pants my thunder thighs haven't ruined.

You ever talk a lot without saying much? I just did :) You love me though!!

~Random Thoughts by AYA~

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