Thursday, April 23, 2009

Real friends and Real Life.

I'm the kind of person that is always there for you, no how many times you screw me over, I still have this compassion for you. So am I surprised that only 3 people cared enough to check on me during my Louisiana trip? Not really, however, it does suck. Soon I'll be working and going to school and living my life for me, and not for anyone else. I may not answer your calls pleading for advice on situation that you already know how to resolve but want "my opinion" on. I realized on this trip a few more things about myself. I'm a people please, with a big mouth of course, but ultimately I want to please everyone around me. Coming back home, and realizing just how much I do, is hard on me, because now that there is a cycle there, I'm going to have to break it. School will come first over simple things like laundry and dishes. I'll probably end up hiring someone to clean up the house because I'll have no time.

Btw, Aprill+beer+shots+bunch of old guys= Aprill realizing how little she's done to accomplish things and be herself.

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